Monday, August 6, 2012

Holes by Louis Sachar (reviewed by Ginger, age 11)

Holes is a knee-slapper of a book. The main character Stanley Yelnats's parents were weird. Stanley's dad was trying to figure out how to recycle sneakers. Stanley had "stolen" a pair of sneakers but not any kind of sneaker it was a special pair of sneakers, so he ended up at Camp Green Lake. Stanley, on first meet, manages to get on the good side of Mr. Pendanski, the camp director. He also manages to get thrown down to the ground just on his first question to Armpit, another camper.  Go with Caveman (Stanley's earned nickname) on an adventure throughout Camp Green Lake, but you have to read it to find out!


  1. Your review makes me want to read the book.


  2. Annie and Spencer read this books as well and they liked it. I read it with them. A little over Spencer's head when we read it as it is serious and psychologically complex.
