The Tales of Beedle the Bard is a charming collection of short stories that will appeal to Harry Potter lovers of any age. I found it to be quite intriguing. Not only the tales are enthralling, but, in addition, Albus Dumbledore's commentary at the end of each. This book certainly broadens your perspective of the wizarding world.
This assortment of tales includes 'The Wizard and the Hopping Pot,' 'The Fountain of Fair Fortune,' 'The Warlock's Hairy Heart,' 'Babbity-Rabbity and Her Cackling Stump,' and, last but most certainly not least, the infamous 'Tale of Three Brothers.' The first tale, 'The Wizard and the Hopping Pot,' tells the story of a greedy son who is insensitive to his neighbors' problems. The second, 'The Fountain of Fair Fortune,' tells of three hopefuls and a knight, each having suffered staggering losses, aspiring to reach the fountain, bathe in it's enchanted waters, and attain good luck. 'The Warlock's Hairy Heart' tells of a determined warlock who uses Dark Magic to remain emotionless through life's roller-coaster. 'Babbity-Rabbity and Her Cackling Stump' depicts a cunning charlatan, a foolish king, and a classic witch-burning situation. 'The Tale of the Three Brothers' is by far the most well known of the stories. It describes three brothers' attempts to outwit Death using tools of Death's own making. This accumulation of stories will keep you on the edge of your seat, breathless in anticipation of the next tale. J.K. Rowling, once again, works her magic, weaving an entrancing compilation of stories that will be sure to have attentive readers until the last page.
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Good luck and happy reading!
I really like this book. I read this when I was 8 or 9.