Friday, August 3, 2012

Warriors 3 Forest of secrets by Annie (age 9)

Forest of Secrets (Warriors, Book 3)

This book is about Fireheart (the main character) and Graystripe (his best friend) doing everything they can do to figure out what really happened in the battle of Sunning Rocks.
              The beginning is stressful to me and there is some sad parts. Fireheart's nephew Cloudkit later Cloudpaw continues to be hilarious.  Over all its a good book.

1 comment:

  1. Annie would like to add ..

    looking back on this book, I realized this my favorite in the first series. A lot of things go wrong in the book and it probably stressed me out as I was reading it. Now I realize I really loved this book. The story is really good because the bad guy gets punished and found out.
