Friday, August 10, 2012

No Talking by Andrew Clements (reviewed by Ginger, age 11)

 No Talking

No Talking was a very eventful storyLaketon Elementary School 5th graders were called "The Unshushables". That's because they talked every second of the day. The girls and the boys both had leaders. Dave Packer for the boys, and Lynsey Burgess for the girls. Dave and Lynsey had been preparing for a report on India. Dave had been reading a book about India and had found out how Gandhi had won a war for India with just words. He read about how Gandhi had not talked for a while before he won the war. That's when Dave decided to experiment. In class when Mrs. Overby called on them he was disappointed because that would be the end of his experiment. When Dave opened his mouth to speak all that came out was coughing. At lunch Dave either nodded or shook his head in the lunch line. Finally he broke not talking. The girls and the boys decided to have a contest to see who talked the most. See for yourself to find out who the winner is! Read Andrew Clements' other books to get another good read.

1 comment:

  1. Your review is amazing. It makes me want to take it off the shelf and read it.

