Saturday, July 14, 2012


A Smart Girl's Guide to Knowing What to Say (American Girl)

From AMERICAN GIRL DOLLS comes a series that I have been impressed with.  A variety of topics from money to parties to divorce to middle school.   We have been reading several this week. We talked a lot about this book over dinner.  Good conversation starter and good for role playing so your daughter ( and son) have the social vocabulary and practice when difficult, awkward, or unfamiliar situations arise.

  A friend talks about you behind your back. What do you say to her? You want to watch a TV show that's on past your bedtime. How do you ask your parents? You break your friend's favorite CD. How do you apologize? In American Girl's latest Smart Girl's Guide, you'll learn the exact words to say in these situations, plus more than 200 others!. Tell a friend that you're sorry for her loss. Ask a teacher for more help. Stand up to a bully. Let someone how much they mean to you. Inside this book, you'll find the tools, tips, techniques, (and actual words!) to help you untangle your tongue and speak out with confidence and grace.


  1. Sounds great Nettie. We'll definitely have to get this one.

  2. The library has them all. I was just reading A SMART GIRLS GUIDE TO LIKING HERSELF. Curtis and I were reading it out loud in bed to each other and were pretty impressed by the content. They even addressed DISTORTION..meaning you don't believe the good things people say and distort things to negative. Then they give you ideas of how to change that thinking. We were pretty impressed.
