Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Henry Huggins by Beverly Cleary (reviewed by Bud, age 8)

Henry Huggins by Beverly Cleary is a good book! It's about a boy named Henry Huggins. He lives on Klickitat Street. Henry meets an abandoned dog and names him Ribsy. Life can be full of adventures. Who wants to be on a school stage in their pajamas and being kissed by an eighth grade girl? Or who wants to go to a dog show and win a silver cup for the most unusual dog? Or who wants to throw a brand-new leather football into a car going 80 miles per hour and having to buy a new one with your allowance? Henry has to. If you want to learn more about Henry Huggins read the book. Don't miss these books called, Henry and Beezus, Henry and Ribsy, Henry and the Paper Route, Henry and the Clubhouse, and Ribsy. Happy Reading!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures: The Mount Rushmore Calamity by Sara Pennypacker (reviewed by Bud, age 8)

Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures: The Mount Rushmore Calamity is a good book. The Lambchop (Mrs. Lambchop, Mr. Lambchop, Stanley, and Arthur Lambchop) family are on an adventure to Mount Rushmore. Arthur brought his authentic cowboy gear. The car is packed with things for the trip. Finally, they got to their destination. Arthur and Stanley meet a cowgirl named Calamity Jasper. Are they going to have some fun? Yes! To find out more read the book. Happy reading!

Knight's Tales Series by Annie age 10

                                            The Adventures of Sir Lancelot the Great

The Knights Tales Series by Gerald Morris is a super hilarious series about the Knights of Camelot. Currently, there is 4 books but, I think there will be more. Gerald Morris is also the author of the Squire's Tales Series which I have not read yet but, I hope to read soon. Now I'll tell you about the 4 books in the Knight's Tales.

                                     The Adventures of Sir Lancelot the Great
This book is about Sir Lancelot, King Arthur's best knight. Sir Lancelot realizes that the problem with being the greatest knight in England is that everyone always wants to fight you. In this book Sir Lancelot goes on crazy adventures such as: going through a siege in a tree, fighting a tournament on a pillow, defending the Queen in armor made out of twigs and many more!

                                      The Adventures of Sir Givret the Short
Just because Sir Givret is really short it doesn't mean that he isn't smart. In fact, Sir Givret is very brilliant. Sir Givret is usually using his brilliance to stop Sir Eric the brave (and the not so smart) from doing really stupid things. This book is my favorite of this series.

                                  The Adventures of Sir Gawain the True
At first Sir Gawain the Undefeated like many of the other knights didn't listen to King Arthur's long lectures about manners. But with some time and practice Sir Gawain becomes the most well mannered knight at the round table and becomes known as Sir Gawain the True. Read to find out how!

                               The Adventures of Sir Balin the Ill-fated
Sir Balin believes he has loads of bad luck because of the prophetess of some mountain's prophecy. He is destined to bring down 2 kingdoms in one day, strike the dolorous stroke, and to kill the knight he loves most in the world. It turns out it does happen that way but not how it seems. Read it for yourself.

I loved these books and I hope you will to.